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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Drive Angry (2011) DVDRip vengeful father escapes from hell and chases after the men who killed his daughter and hases after the men who killed his daughter and kidnapped his granddaughter.DownloadMediafire Part 1Mediafire Part 2Mediafire Part 3Mediafire Part...

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Cara Mudah Daftar Adsense

sekedar berbagi trik, bagi anda yang ingin daftar adsen dengan mudah tanpa harus punya web dulu, tanpa harus beli domain dll. tapi ingat ini cara curang lhooo, saya tidak bertanggung jawab jika dikemudian hari ada sesuatu hal. silahkan daftar ke terus pilih daftar atau signup, seperti biasanya silahkan isikan data  read more...

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

I Am Number Four (2011) DVDRip teen John Smith (Pettyfer) is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events-his first love (Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible...

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Subtitle Indonesia

DownloadIndowester 484 MB Part 1Indowester 494 MB Part 2Indowester 183...

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Dalam Mihrab Cinta (2010) DVDRip 350 MB sebuah pesantren di Kediri, ada seorang pemuda bernama Syamsul (Dude Herlino) yang rela meninggalkan kehidupannya yang cukup nyaman demi tekadnya untuk belajar menuntut ilmu dan bergabung dalam pesantren.Kehidupan dalam pesantren membuatnya dekat Zizi (Meyda Sefira), seorang putri pemilik pesantren yang sebelumnya pernah menolong Syamsul saat dia dijambret di kereta.Namun semuanya tidak berjalan dengan lancar, Syamsul kemudian...

3 Pejantan Tanggung 2010 VCDRip 450MB, Kris dan Harta adalah 3 sahabat yang berprofesi sebagai fulltime hedonis. Bahkan saat kesempatan untuk ikut sidang kuliah 2 minggu lagi, mereka sibuk mabuk-mabukan. Mereka kaget saat terbangun dam mendapati mereka berada di sebuh kamar sempit di kapal kecil yang menyusuri sungai tropis di tengah pedalaman Kalimantan! Kejadian berikutnya terjadi begitu cepat, mereka panik, berpapasan dengan sekelompok pria Dayak,...

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Swamp Shark 2011 DVDRip DivX-Filmikz on gorgeous swamplands of the Atchafalaya Basin in the summer. Lots of beautiful teens are at the beach the weekend before Gator Fest. That night an animal smuggling deal goes wrong and a large sea creature escapes into a swampy backwoods river. At the McDaniel's "Gator Shack" restaurant, a local, Jackson is drunk, and gets mangled to bits. The town sheriff blames the carnage on the McDaniel's "escaped" pack of gators and tries hauling...

Virtual Recall (2010) DVDRip Kong, the present day. At the luxurious Yee Low Mental Sanatorium, psychiatrist Xiao Tingqin (Tang Yifei) is assigned the case of "special" patient Sum Liu-sheung (Cherrie Ying), who claims to live both in the real world and 12 parallel universes, and appears to have special powers. As soon as they meet, Sum starts playing mind-games with Xiao, whose one-year-old marriage to independently wealthy policeman Zhen Shanlin...

A Chinese Ghost Story 2011 (Thiến Nữ U Hồn - 倩女幽魂) Part 1Mediafire Part 2Mediafire Part 3Mediafire Part 4Mediafire Part 5Pass:i-max...

The Plague DVDRip XviD the worldwide children of less than nine years fall in coma at the same time. Ten years later, Tom Russel is released from prison after killing a man in a fight, and returns to his home town, more specifically to his older brother home, who has a son in coma. Tom intends to rebuild his life, but his ex-wife Jean Raynor is hurt and does not want to see him. Along the night, all the children wake up in a violent mood, killing all...

My Lai Four (2011) iNTERNAL LIMITED DVDRip XviD-iLG Part 1Mediafire Part 2Mediafire Part 3Mediafire Part 4Pass: i-max...

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