Blogger Tricks

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Puber (2008)

Cast : Ryana Dea, Andhika Gumilang, Rizky Hanggono.
Genre : Comedy
Category : Movie
Release : 2008

Download Movie from IDWS :

Adolescence, according to many people is the most beautiful. But not so with Arletta, cosmopolitan girl who has everything he dreamed of adolescent age, beauty, wealth, and fame as an artist.
Feeling depressed and exploited by his friends, his brother, even his own mama Artletta refused to overseas holiday gift and choose to travel alone except for the drivers. In that way Arletta really feel free, to be himself. He felt the pleasures of life during this diridukannya. Arletta such turmoil disregard the people he left behind.
However, if in his solitude that had become his own Arletta like dreams?

 Puber Trailer

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