Blogger Tricks

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

The Scam / 작전 (Korea) 2009

The Scam / 작전 (Korea) 2009
The Scam / 작전 (Korea) 2009
Cast : Park Yong-Ha, Kim Min-Jeong, Park Hee-Soon, Kim Moo-Yeol, Jo Deok-Hyun, Kim Joon-Seong, Park Yong-Yeon, Park Jae-Woong, Sin Hyeon-Jong, Lee Yeong-Ih
Genre : Thriller
Category : Korean Movie
Release : 2009

The scam is actually a slick movie theft happens to use the stock market and stock rigging illegal as a means of theft of choice. 

Lee assembles all the elements of theft of a typical film here: "not guilty" outsiders, who dopes know anything, which doublecrosses and even violent gangster but stupid.But the point about the Scam was not owned a cliche, but that they presented in an entertaining and fun. Instead of saving any details of the complex stock-fraud scam, Lee instead creates an interesting character to watch, make this film worth following even when the audience (especially those having to read subtitles) is not able to track every single development. 

Unfortunately, the most interesting character is not going to be a "good person" Hyun-Soo (TV star Park Yong-Ha). A full-time traders nicknamed the "ant", Hyun-Soo stumble into fraud titular film after making a fortune from what he sees as a clear stock rig, ie a stock with a price rigged by people who use rumors to control values.Although the character's ambition to greed makes it a potentially interesting anti-hero, he was exiled to the status of the typical fraud get rolling very well, making him just the right enough to be followed. 

Conversely, the most charismatic character is Park Hee-Soon former gangster-turned-stock Helah Jong-Goo. Playing violent thugs wearing expensive suits and start every other sentence with the English word "Okay", Park-screen commands."Operators smooth" His actions clearly forced, but the Park provides just the right amount of roughness, and steals every scene he is in. also fun to watch is "foreign, dark-haired" Kim Joon-Seong's Brian Choi, a fund manager who also played a part in fraud and can not spend the scene without speaking English, many are not happy Jong-Goo's. 

Along with financial planners Seo-Yeon (Kim Min-Jeong) and bond broker Min-Hyung (Kim Moo-Yeol), five are out to rig stock a construction company. With a start all sorts of false rumors and trends to buy artificial, riggers will make a large amount of money to essentially bet on stock prices and eventually them. Or something like that. Hyun-Soo just dragged into the scam because he accidentally slipped past the rig stock Jong-Goo, and soon found himself in the midst of a whole lot of distrust and affairs under the table. However, Hyun-Soo is all really want to make it through life. 

Viewers who do not know much about the stock market is likely to disappear at points of actual fraud Scam, and Lee seemed to know it. Although there is much talk throughout the film stock to make the game complicated Lee appeared intelligent and convincing, he continued to focus on the stakes more than the game itself. Though we never quite sure what the characters do to win, we know how far they will go and how much they should lose. Even when there is almost no action (except for the explosion Jong-Goo's gangster-style) and no obvious tensions (how can anyone really make online stock trading tense anyway?), Pacing rapidly Lee and the characters make a Scam The entertaining. 

On the other hand, Lee's script gives the weakest aspect of the film.The audience most likely know that the stock fraud is wrong, but Lee tries too hard to make the movie was not more meaningful.The characters and their situation enough to film that will involve, but Lee also injects a kind of lesson about humanity during the second half of this film.A most striking example emerged during the end credits, when Lee including what appears to be a deleted scene featuring a teacher shares preach to Hyun-Soo before an important plot twist.If Lee has the sense to cut scenes from the story, no need to bring it back, mainly because it is disturbing, and educational trends will probably eventually leave bad taste in the mouth of the audience.However, most of what came before is slick entertainment presented by the Hollywood-standard production values.There are no melodramatic twist, no terminal illness, not overacting - just beautiful people at the site polished to do things no ordinary filmgoer would dream to do so.Even if the scam is not good as it is packed into just a dream fulfillment aspect of the story makes this more than worth sitting

Movie : cd1 | cd2
Subtitle : English

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